Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learning to Lean

I love the words of this song 'learning to lean' by Heritage Singers (see link below).

It comes to me that depending on God teaches us the meaning of true dependence on God. It reminds me that to be connected to God is to be plugged in to the eternal power source. He will give us more power than we have ever know. Power to witness, work for him, to have faith, to work miracles to so all that he wills for us and so on.

Once we have decided to make him our Lord and saviour, we embark on a journey. This is a lifelong journey and is 'travelled by the human heart'. In this journey we must rely fully on him. The moment we lose sight of him, we will get lost and become powerless. Every time we feel a disconnection we must run back and reconnect to Jesus and lean on him. I love how faithful and trust worthy he is. Thank you Jesus for being not only my saviour, my Lord but also my friend.
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