Saturday, October 16, 2010

A prayer away- A word of courage and hope for a heart that's blue

You can feel all alone in a crowd
Loneliness can eat away at you while surrounded by people

When the tears start to flow and you feel afraid
when you are feeling lost
When you dont think anyone really cares
Jesus does and he is only a prayer away

He will wipe your tears and calm your fears
He wil fill your heart with Joy and peace
And cover your soul with love everlating
You need not be afraid,
Jesus is only a prayer away

Pour out your heart to him
He will never disappoint
He is faithful and merciful
His heart is moved with compassion and touched with your grief

So dont just stay there feeling blue, call to Jesus he will find  way to rescue you
When you are at your lowest call on him he is only a prayer away.

1 comment:

  1. the idea of "a prayer away" was inspired byt this song by my dearest cousin Dumisani Zee Mfune by the same title. Here is an extract...

    Have you ever fought back the tears? trying your best not to cry?
    Your heart is full of fear, Your mind keeps on questioning why
    in that moment get down on your knees and pray he's on a prayer away


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